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Sprite 355ml

BHD 0.600

Sprite 355ml is a clear, caffeine-free lemon-lime flavored soft drink that offers a crisp and refreshing taste. It is known for its clean, sharp citrus flavor with a balanced sweetness and a hint of tartness, making it a popular choice for quenching thirst. The 355ml size is convenient for individual enjoyment, providing just the right amount of this bubbly beverage.




Sprite 355ml is a clear, caffeine-free lemon-lime flavored soft drink that offers a crisp and refreshing taste. It is known for its clean, sharp citrus flavor with a balanced sweetness and a hint of tartness, making it a popular choice for quenching thirst. The 355ml size is convenient for individual enjoyment, providing just the right amount of this bubbly beverage.



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