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Mountain Dew 355ml

BHD 0.600

Mountain Dew 355ml is a carbonated soft drink that comes in a slim, vibrant green can. Known for its intense citrus flavor with a hint of lemon and lime, Mountain Dew is a refreshing beverage often enjoyed for its bold and energizing taste. The 355ml size is perfect for individual consumption, offering just the right amount of this fizzy, sweet, and slightly tangy drink to quench your thirst. The can’s design typically features the iconic Mountain Dew logo with a modern, edgy font and dynamic graphics that emphasize the drink’s high-energy appeal.



Mountain Dew 355ml is a carbonated soft drink that comes in a slim, vibrant green can. Known for its intense citrus flavor with a hint of lemon and lime, Mountain Dew is a refreshing beverage often enjoyed for its bold and energizing taste. The 355ml size is perfect for individual consumption, offering just the right amount of this fizzy, sweet, and slightly tangy drink to quench your thirst. The can’s design typically features the iconic Mountain Dew logo with a modern, edgy font and dynamic graphics that emphasize the drink’s high-energy appeal.


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